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Welcome to YIF Central Support

You are a valued partner in the Youth Investment Fund and we want to do what we can to champion your work and for you to succeed. That’s why we’ve created a suite of professional services and resources that are fully funded on top of your grant for you to call on if you choose to.

This support is separate to any grant monitoring, confidential and private to you. They are part of your team, as an extra pair of hands for practical work or a thinking partner for shaping future plans.

We’re hoping that some elements of the support outlined will be helpful at some point during your grant period. Find out more about the support on offer below along with online training and useful resources.

If you have a capital grant, log into your grant portal using the link above, go to the Your Grants tab and use the Request Support Package button to highlight the types of support you would like, click save and go back in to answer the questions that will appear there. Once submitted, your Relationship Manager will be informed automatically and will contact you shortly after.

If you have a refurbishment grant, talk to your Relationship Manager and they will put in the request for you.

Support available

An Introduction to Theory of Change:

This course is designed for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. You do not need any prior knowledge or experience of community or context mapping to attend.

This short course will familiarise you with the purpose and uses of a theory of change and how they can be constructed. A theory of change is a crucial tool used widely throughout the sector. It helps you and your team to be really clear about your work with young people, and how your programme or project designs support your objectives.

Book now!


  • 8 March 2025, 9:30am – 12:30pm
  • 25 July 2025, 9:30am – 12:30pm

An Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation in the Youth Sector:

This course is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. You need no prior experience to attend.

Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental aspects of delivering provision for young people. It enables us to determine what’s working, whether we’re achieving our established aims, and identify any changes or areas of improvement to ensure our delivery remains high quality and impactful. This day session will equip you with a basic understanding of how to plan and undertake monitoring and evaluation in order to evidence your impact and collective story.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!


  • 25 October 2024, 9:30am – 3pm
  • 5 April 2025, 10am – 3:30pm
  • 19 September 2025, 9:30 – 3pm

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluation and Youth Participatory Research

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. An understanding or prior knowledge of monitoring and evaluation is advisable.

This full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. We will explore how to champion and embed youth voice throughout your evaluation process, including co-design and co-production.  This session will provide an awareness of theories related to participation and linking them to your work.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!


  • 15 November 2024 9:30am – 3:30pm
  • 17 May 2025 9:30am – 3:30pm
  • 10 October 2025 9:30am – 3:30pm

Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. Prior experience of some data collection would be advisable.

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of how and when to use a range of different creative data collection tools within your work, and how to analyse the data they produce.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!


  • 10 January 2025 9:30am – 4pm
  • 13 June 2025 9:30am – 4pm
  • 15 November 2025 9:30am – 4pm

Shared and Collective Measurement

This course will cover the importance of shared measurement and how independent organisations can work together to develop evidence to demonstrate impact. The course will cover the types of data, how we can collect data collaboratively and how to tell your story of your impactful work, through powerful messaging. The course will also cover the complexities that arise from shared measurement, but also the benefits of collaborative working.

An NCFE accredited version is available for this course.

Book now!


  • 6 February 2025 9:30am – 1pm
  • 16 July 2025 9:30am – 1pm
  • 6 December 2025 9:30am – 1pm

An organisational MOT is a one-to-one conversation with a skilled practitioner to identify the current strengths and challenges of the organisation. No preparation is needed. Following the conversation, the practitioner will produce a report to be sent confidentially to you. It might be useful for identifying items to request from Central Support as above. It can also provide useful evidence for talking to your board and to inform funding bids. Like an MOT, it’s a useful process to go through every so often to give reassurance that things are ticking over well and identifying any areas to address. 


To support you to meet in-year spend forecasts and overall build deadlines. Reduce risks around supplier availability, timeliness and quality of services and goods.

Examples of support within this category:

· Contractor management

· Budget tracking

· Cost estimation

· Change orders

· Project schedules

· Regular inspection logs

· Bidding processes and contract negotiations

· Quality control

· Safety management

Job site monitoring

When might this support be useful?

When managing a large, complex or high-risk build When you do not have a professional project manager.

How to manage a project manager webinar

Slides from the webinar:

Useful resources


To reduce construction risks relating to spiralling costs, delays on delivery and quality issues.

Examples of support within this category:

· Work with key people to get necessary information on progress (project managers, SIB and partner RMs)

· Update risk assessments on projects against stages of RIBA plan of work

· Interface on Salesforce to update weekly/monthly progress reports

· Estimate and control costs

· Ensure compliance in relation to building regulations and standards

· Support value for money through negotiating competitive contracts and focusing on quality delivery against budget.

When might this support be useful for you?

When managing a large, complex or high-risk build

When managing a build that has very tight deadlines

If you experience significant increases in costs or delays against schedule


Support delivery of projects on time and on budget through helping you to find appropriate suppliers and contractors and to reduce risks relating to contract disputes.

Examples of support within this category:

· Develop and put in place procurement strategies, such as through competitive bidding or direct negotiation

· Prepare and issue tenders and contracts and help to evaluate tenders and select the best supplier

· Manage supplier relationships. This could include negotiating contracts, monitoring performance, and resolving any disputes that may arise

When might this support be useful for you?

If you are struggling to find a supplier for a particular element of your build

If any existing supplier drops out or goes bust

If the costs for a particular element of your build jumps significantly above budget

If you don’t have already have professional procurement capacity

Useful resources



To ensure projects are environmentally and financially sustainable during construction and when in use.

Examples of support within this category:

· Looking holistically at construction and business plans to ensure that planned sustainability measures are appropriate and sufficient

· Sustainable design and construction advice

· Waste management advice

· Energy efficiency advice

· Water efficiency advice

· Support with sustainable facility commissioning and operation to help ensure buildings are operated in a sustainable manner

When might this support be useful for you?

When construction or business plans have significantly changed

If a sustainability issue is identified that cannot be resolved by your project manager

Useful resources


All organisations with a Youth Investment Fund grant will receive a fully funded year’s membership with Fit for the Future, an environmental sustainability network where members can access peer-to-peer, honest and practical advice on managing their land, buildings and operations sustainably via:

• Regular events
• One-to-one member link-ups
• An online bank of resources
• Site visits
• Peer reviews
• Webinars

You will receive a welcome email telling you how to get access to your Fit for the Future membership.


Building projects can be complex and having the right advice, management and systems in place can make a significant difference to the success of the project.

Examples of support within this category:

· Financial governance and leadership.

· Financial modelling including understanding options, scenarios and risks.

· Budgeting and cashflow forecasting, especially in a background of uncertainty.

· Understanding and assessing the impact of capital projects on revenue models and sustainability.

· The impact and implication of different financing and construction models.

· Tax and VAT implications.

· Financial systems and controls.

· Management reporting

· External reporting and meeting accounting requirements

When might this support be useful for you?

At any point in your grant period

Useful resources 

Slides from webinar:

An introduction to VAT and how it can impact capital projects webinar

Slides from webinar:

Slides from webinar:

Year end accounting for charities with YIF grants webinar

Slides from the webinar:

Uploading year-end expenditure to the YIF website webinar


To support you in developing effective and appropriate processes and run your organisation effectively.

Examples of support within this category:

  • Setting up/registering a formal legal structure
  • Development/review of organisational policies and procedures
  • Board and/or SMT training and development on topics such as:
  • Legal responsibilities & duties
  • Effective delegation and working with the CEO/leadership team
  • Risk management & positive risk taking
  • Accountability structures & reporting on outcomes
  • Involving young people in governance
  • Partnership working including:
  • Key stakeholder agreements
  • Decision-making options
  • Accountability
  • When might this support be useful for you?

If your organisation is new, merging with another organisation or growing rapidly.

When your organisation is going through change, such as a merger, acquisition, or restructuring.

When your organisation is facing internal challenges, such as struggling to comply with regulatory requirements or facing a governance dispute between trustees.

Useful resources

Slides from the webinar:

Risk management toolkit:  

Trustee recruitment guide: 


Support your financial sustainability through varied and reliable income streams.

Examples of support within this category:

· Fundraising approaches and planning

· Contracting – How to work with the public sector, getting tender ready, what the public sector is looking for

· Social Investment – Understanding the types of investment, when to seek investment, getting investment ready

· Alternative income sources – Corporate giving, crowdfunding, community fundraising and events

When might this support be useful for you?

If you have lost a significant income stream

If you have plans to expand your organisation’s work but aren’t sure how to fund it

If you spot a business opportunity but aren’t clear how to make the most of it


All organisations with a Youth Investment Fund grant will receive a fully funded year’s subscription to Funds Online, a database with over 8,000 funders with the potential to give away billions of pounds overall to organisations and individuals.

Get detailed information on:

  • 4,500 trusts giving away a combined total of £4.9 billion to organisations.
  • Around 500 companies giving £330 million a year in the UK in cash and in-kind contributions.
  • Over £2.4 billion in funding from local, regional, and central government, and European sources.

Click here to find out how to access your subscription.


Build your understanding of your brand, to build support for your organisation, boost fundraising and help with recruitment.

Examples of support within this category:

· Marketing strategy development

· Brand development to help you to develop a strong and recognisable brand that resonates with your target audience

· Support in developing and implementing effective social media strategies to reach and engage your target audience

· Digital marketing including search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and email marketing to reach target audiences

When might this support be useful for you?

If you are launching a new campaign or initiative

If you are struggling to reach your target audience.

When you want to increase or diversify you fundraising activities

If you are struggling with recruitment

Marketing and Social Media Essentials and Boost Workshops  

These fully funded training courses are delivered across 3 x 2.5 hour sessions online, live via Zoom with an expert social media trainer. Access is limited to 10 people per course to make sure your experience is highly interactive and there is time to ask any questions you may have for our experts. 


Useful resources 

YIF Comms Toolkit:

A Guide to Communications, Press and Influencing  


To support you to effectively recruit additional youth workers to achieve your longer term aims on expanding your youth service provision.

Examples of support within this category:

· Support to identify the best places and methods to recruit youth workers in your area

· Develop a strong employer brand that will attract high-quality candidates

· Support the creation of a fair and inclusive recruitment process that is aligned with your overall HR strategy

When might this support be useful for you?

If you are struggling to attract suitable candidates for your youth work roles If there are multiple youth projects in one location competing for the same candidates simultaneously (in this case, we would suggest you access this support together)

Useful resources  

Recruitment guide and templates 

The Brightsparks Recruitment Pack is a comprehensive guide to all things recruitment. Created by our approved recruitment parter Brightsparks Recruiting, it has been designed to support people who have never done recruitment before. The toolkit takes you through each stage of the recruitment process in a simple, jargon-free way. 

With explanations about each recruitment stage, best practice examples, tips and easy-to-follow templates, the pack will help you successfully recruit new youth workers to your organisation. 

Access the PDF of the Brightsparks Recruitment Pack here (via a Google Folder). 

Brightsparks have also created two templates to accompany the above pack, please download via the Youth Investment Fund website.  

Download a copy of the Brightsparks Job Description template. 

Download a copy of the Brightsparks Value Proposition template. 

A guide to effective recruitment 

Youth Work Practice Standards

National Youth Agency Youth Club in a Box


To support your organisations to meet your grant requirements regarding trained youth workers and your goals to extend you service provision for young people.

Examples of support within this category:

· Level 2 and 3 Youth Worker training supports the skills needed to be a competent Youth Support Worker, gaining further knowledge especially the values, core principles and current policies that underpin youth work.

When might this support be useful for you?

If you do not currently have staff or regular volunteers who are trained youth workers and are not able to find the necessary training locally

Useful resources

Fully funded, accredited youth work training is available for your staff and long term volunteers, subject to eligibility and availability. These qualifications will equip your team with the necessary knowledge and skills for youth work. Upon completion, graduates will have a JNC recognised qualification and be able to support the personal, social and educational growth of young people in paid employment or voluntary roles in the UK.

Training is mainly online with the option of classroom-based training days in your area. Admissions are on a rolling monthly basis and require a returnable £300 deposit per person – find out more and register your interest here.


Youth Work Practice Standards



To support you to identify and manage change and organisational growth effectively and to minimise disruption to your operations.

Examples of support within this category:

· Support you and your team to have the right skills, work well together and be ready to respond to change and growth

· Develop a plan to engage and develop your team to support your growth.

· Help you to understand what roles, skills and behaviours you need in your workforce to support growth and change.

· Develop a communications plan that keeps employees informed and engaged

· Coaching and leadership development to meet new challenges.

· Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – what is it and how to be inclusive

· Support wellbeing and management of workload.

When might this support be useful for you?

If your organisation is or will be going through a period of rapid change or growth.

If business plans mean there will need to be significant change to your working culture or core activities.

If you are planning to downsize or merge with another organisation.

Useful resources


Help you to reach relevant funders and investors, coordinating with other Youth Investment Fund projects in your area to avoid duplication and amplify your message.

Examples of support within this category:

· Background research on local context

· Research on target funders/investors

· Facilitation to support collaboration between you and other youth projects in your local area

· Develop a strategy for engaging target funders/investors

· Develop a pitch that clearly communicates your organisation’s particular value and USP

When might this support be useful for you?

When there are a number of Youth Investment Fund projects clustered in a particular geographical area that don’t already collaborate regularly


An opportunity for you to come together to share knowledge and receive mutual support. The meetings are informal spaces, held by a facilitator to ensure they remain both safe and productive, and they are often an opportunity to step back and reflect in, what is for many, an exceptionally busy work environment. And because the meetings will be held over many months, participants often report that they receive as much value from the connections they make, as from the information or good practice they receive. And these connections frequently last beyond the scope of their associated programmes.

As part of this programme, each peer network provides those participating with an opportunity to:

· Share experiences and get advice on your projects

· Identify challenges and potential solutions together

· Share good practice around various dimensions of youth work activities

· Receive support from other sector leaders

· Build ongoing networks

· Support sustainability e.g. via identifying sources for ongoing funding

Examples of support within this category:

· Facilitated online (and potentially face-to-face) peer network sessions with you grouped by e.g. location/type of build/stage of build.

· Meeting coordination and administrative support provided

· Facilitator will work with peer network members to identify challenges and potential solutions.

· Facilitator will capture learning on common challenges, opportunities, and solutions shared by peer network members to communicate back to the network, other peer networks, and SIB.

When might this support be useful for you?

From experience, any one can benefit from time sharing with and learning from peers,

Upcoming Webinars

Online presentations from specialists in the field giving you an overview of a topic with the option to ask questions. Open to all Youth Investment Fund projects throughout the duration of the Fund. Sessions will be run by Youth Investment Fund or National Youth Agency representatives. Register to access:

Marketing and Social Media Essentials – Starter toolkit

This workshop will take place over three sessions and you should attend all.

  • Thursday 24th 1:30pm-4:00pm
  • Thursday 31st 1:30pm-4:00pm
  • Thursday 7th Nov 1:30pm-4:00pm

Book now!

This workshop is designed for those who have little to no experience with marketing and social media. It’s also great for those who are starting from scratch to develop an approach to marketing/social media for their organisations.

You will learn how to craft an effective marketing and social media strategy for your organisation, create engaging content and make best use of available resources. You’ll also learn more about how to track progress and success.

Our delivery partner SocialB will be in touch nearer the time with joining links and more details.

This course is strictly limited to 10 participants so if you are unable to attend any of the sessions or need to cancel your place, please email at least 24 hours before the next training session.


An Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation in the Youth Sector:

This course is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. You need no prior experience to attend.

Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental aspects of delivering provision for young people. It enables us to determine what’s working, whether we’re achieving our established aims, and identify any changes or areas of improvement to ensure our delivery remains high quality and impactful. This day session will equip you with a basic understanding of how to plan and undertake monitoring and evaluation in order to evidence your impact and collective story.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

25 October 2024, 9:30am – 3pm

Marketing and Social Media Boost – Expanding Your Growth Online

This workshop will take place over three sessions and you should attend all.

  • Thursday 14th 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Wednesday 20th 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Thursday 28th 1:30pm-4:00pm

Book now!

This workshop is for those with some marketing experience or existing resources who want to enhance and increase their marketing success. You will explore strategies to improve results, using what you learn to inform tactics for increased online impact and connection with target audiences.

You will learn how to plan and execute effective campaigns, measure success, and cultivate a thriving online community. The workshops will also focus on managing reputation and using your organisation’s online presence to support its mission.

Our delivery partner SocialB will be in touch nearer the time with joining links and more details.

This course is strictly limited to 10 participants so if you are unable to attend any of the sessions or need to cancel your place, please email at least 24 hours before the next training session.


Youth Voice in Impact Evaluation and Youth Participatory Research

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. An understanding or prior knowledge of monitoring and evaluation is advisable.

This full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. We will explore how to champion and embed youth voice throughout your evaluation process, including co-design and co-production.  This session will provide an awareness of theories related to participation and linking them to your work.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

15 November 2024 9:30am – 3:30pm

Marketing and Social Media Essentials – Starter toolkit

This workshop will take place over three sessions and you should attend all.

  • Tuesday 19th 9:30am-12:30pm
  • Tuesday 26th 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Tuesday 3rd December 9:30am-12:00pm

Book now!

This workshop is designed for those who have little to no experience with marketing and social media. It’s also great for those who are starting from scratch to develop an approach to marketing/social media for their organisations.

You will learn how to craft an effective marketing and social media strategy for your organisation, create engaging content and make best use of available resources. You’ll also learn more about how to track progress and success.

Our delivery partner SocialB will be in touch nearer the time with joining links and more details.

This course is strictly limited to 10 participants so if you are unable to attend any of the sessions or need to cancel your place, please email at least 24 hours before the next training session.



Marketing and Social Media Boost – Expanding Your Growth Online

This workshop will take place over three sessions and you should attend all.

  • Tuesday 3rd December 1:30pm-4:00pm
  • Tuesday 10th 1:30pm-4:00pm
  • Tuesday 17th 1:30pm-4:00pm

Book now!

This workshop is for those with some marketing experience or existing resources who want to enhance and increase their marketing success. You will explore strategies to improve results, using what you learn to inform tactics for increased online impact and connection with target audiences.

You will learn how to plan and execute effective campaigns, measure success, and cultivate a thriving online community. The workshops will also focus on managing reputation and using your organisation’s online presence to support its mission.

Our delivery partner SocialB will be in touch nearer the time with joining links and more details.

This course is strictly limited to 10 participants so if you are unable to attend any of the sessions or need to cancel your place, please email at least 24 hours before the next training session.

Marketing and Social Media Essentials – Starter toolkit

This workshop will take place over three sessions and you should attend all.

  • Tuesday 10th 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Wednesday 11th 1:30pm-4:00pm
  • Thursday 12th 9:30am-12:00pm

Book now!

This workshop is designed for those who have little to no experience with marketing and social media. It’s also great for those who are starting from scratch to develop an approach to marketing/social media for their organisations.

You will learn how to craft an effective marketing and social media strategy for your organisation, create engaging content and make best use of available resources. You’ll also learn more about how to track progress and success.

Our delivery partner SocialB will be in touch nearer the time with joining links and more details.

This course is strictly limited to 10 participants so if you are unable to attend any of the sessions or need to cancel your place, please email at least 24 hours before the next training session.


Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. Prior experience of some data collection would be advisable.

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of how and when to use a range of different creative data collection tools within your work, and how to analyse the data they produce.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

10 January 2025 9:30am – 4pm

Shared and Collective Measurement

This course will cover the importance of shared measurement and how independent organisations can work together to develop evidence to demonstrate impact. The course will cover the types of data, how we can collect data collaboratively and how to tell your story of your impactful work, through powerful messaging. The course will also cover the complexities that arise from shared measurement, but also the benefits of collaborative working.

An NCFE accredited version is available for this course.

Book now!

6 February 2025 9:30am – 1pm

An Introduction to Theory of Change:

This course is designed for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. You do not need any prior knowledge or experience of community or context mapping to attend.

This short course will familiarise you with the purpose and uses of a theory of change and how they can be constructed. A theory of change is a crucial tool used widely throughout the sector. It helps you and your team to be really clear about your work with young people, and how your programme or project designs support your objectives.

Book now!

8 March 2025, 9:30am – 12:30pm

An Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation in the Youth Sector:

This course is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. You need no prior experience to attend. 

Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental aspects of delivering provision for young people. It enables us to determine what’s working, whether we’re achieving our established aims, and identify any changes or areas of improvement to ensure our delivery remains high quality and impactful. This day session will equip you with a basic understanding of how to plan and undertake monitoring and evaluation in order to evidence your impact and collective story.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

5 April 2025, 10am – 3:30pm

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluation and Youth Participatory Research

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. An understanding or prior knowledge of monitoring and evaluation is advisable.

This full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. We will explore how to champion and embed youth voice throughout your evaluation process, including co-design and co-production.  This session will provide an awareness of theories related to participation and linking them to your work.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

17 May 2025 9:30am – 3:30pm

Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. Prior experience of some data collection would be advisable.

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of how and when to use a range of different creative data collection tools within your work, and how to analyse the data they produce.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

13 June 2025 9:30am – 4pm

Shared and Collective Measurement

This course will cover the importance of shared measurement and how independent organisations can work together to develop evidence to demonstrate impact. The course will cover the types of data, how we can collect data collaboratively and how to tell your story of your impactful work, through powerful messaging. The course will also cover the complexities that arise from shared measurement, but also the benefits of collaborative working.

An NCFE accredited version is available for this course.

Book now!

16 July 2025 9:30am – 1pm

An Introduction to Theory of Change:

This course is designed for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. You do not need any prior knowledge or experience of community or context mapping to attend.

This short course will familiarise you with the purpose and uses of a theory of change and how they can be constructed. A theory of change is a crucial tool used widely throughout the sector. It helps you and your team to be really clear about your work with young people, and how your programme or project designs support your objectives.

Book now!

25 July 2025, 9:30am – 12:30pm

An Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation in the Youth Sector:

This course is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. You need no prior experience to attend. 

Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental aspects of delivering provision for young people. It enables us to determine what’s working, whether we’re achieving our established aims, and identify any changes or areas of improvement to ensure our delivery remains high quality and impactful. This day session will equip you with a basic understanding of how to plan and undertake monitoring and evaluation in order to evidence your impact and collective story.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

19 September 2025, 9:30 – 3pm

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluation and Youth Participatory Research

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. An understanding or prior knowledge of monitoring and evaluation is advisable. 

This full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. We will explore how to champion and embed youth voice throughout your evaluation process, including co-design and co-production.  This session will provide an awareness of theories related to participation and linking them to your work.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

10 October 2025 9:30am – 3:30pm

Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This session is relevant for anyone who plans youth provision and anyone who writes funding bids to secure funds for youth provision. Prior experience of some data collection would be advisable.

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of how and when to use a range of different creative data collection tools within your work, and how to analyse the data they produce.

NCFE accreditation is available for this course.

Book now!

15 November 2025 9:30am – 4pm

Shared and Collective Measurement

This course will cover the importance of shared measurement and how independent organisations can work together to develop evidence to demonstrate impact. The course will cover the types of data, how we can collect data collaboratively and how to tell your story of your impactful work, through powerful messaging. The course will also cover the complexities that arise from shared measurement, but also the benefits of collaborative working.

An NCFE accredited version is available for this course.

Book now!

6 December 2025 9:30am – 1pm

Need to get in touch?

If you have questions about the fund, please contact your Relationship Manager directly or via

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