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Case Studies

Reaching more young people across Sunderland

Lambton Street Youth and Community Hub is a vibrant and welcoming space in Sunderland, but it’s in need of a major redesign and upgrade to reach more young people.

Lambton Street Youth and Community Hub aims to help young people thrive and develop the skills to transition into adulthood in a safe and caring environment, based in a deprived are in Sunderland. Lambton Street has an accessible and inclusive approach, giving every young person the chance to have fun and develop their physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities through a wide range of activities like drop in youth clubs, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme activities, dance group, wellness sessions and sports such as boxing, football, basketball, volleyball, archery, judo, karate and aerobics. 

Lambton Street needs a major redesign and upgrade to reach more young people, make their building accessible and inclusive to disabled young people and to radically improve its sustainability. The Youth Investment Fund grant will transform their youth project, making their three-year dream become a reality. The project plans have been shaped in collaboration with young people, and through these conversations they decided that they wanted to keep sport at the centre of their offer but provide different activities, like dance and music, to support more young people in the community. More than anything they want to reach as many young people as possible. The team are thrilled that their Youth Investment Fund grant means they can achieve their dreams and be there for future generations of young people.

Group of young people playing basketball
Young people at Lambton Street Youth and Community Hub are match ready!

The Youth Investment Fund will transform the space and creating a soundproofed room for dance, music, aerobics, and yoga, plus improving its gym and boxing space and upgrading their sports equipment and storage. It will also enable the team to renovate the kitchen so they can use it for training, catering services and run a cafe that will also generate extra income. Accessibility will be improved too, with a new shower and bathroom facility. The grant will enable Lambton Street to install better insulation and benefit from solar panels complete with a battery storage system. Improving its carbon footprint.  

I feel safe at the youth centre and it’s a great place for me and my friends to socialise and involved in the numerous activities they have to offer. The staff team are great, they care for young people and most recently they have been a fantastic support in helping me find a career in music, which is my passion.

One of the young people attending Lambton Youth and Community Hub, who now volunteers there

Once complete Lambton Street Youth and Community Hub will be able to support more young people – extending its reach from 230 to 350 young people a week. 

Young people surfing on the coast of Sunderland
Young people supporting by Lambton Street Youth and Community Hub enjoying the surf

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